This was a five-minute collage animation explainer, created for the Berlin University Alliance, consisting of Berlin's biggest and most prestige academic institutions: FU University, Humbolt University, TU University, and Charité hospital.
The aim was to unravel the complex concept of transdisciplinary research.
Our involvement spanned from the pitch phase to the final product, involving concept development, script production, design of alternative style frames, creating over 70 boards with incorporated collage photos, animation, sound design, narration, and subtitling.
The goal: to simplify the complex topic of transdisciplinary research with a visual metaphor. The collage design style was a perfect fit, metaphorically reflecting the research methodology itself.
In terms of workflow: the process started with several drafts of the script and alternative designs. We then finalized the script and style frames, guiding the design's appearance.
Next, we visualized the script with 70+ consistent frames, followed by an animatic version outlining the flow and basic movements.
The final phase included producing the animated version, enhancing it with sound, narration, music, and subtitles.